To form an LLC in Pennsylvania, you need to follow these steps:
1. Choose a name for your LLC.
2. Choose a registered office (agent) in Pennsylvania.
3. Apply for your Pennsylvania business license.
4. File your certificate of organization.
5. Draft an operating agreement for your Pennsylvania LLC.
6. Obtain an employer identification number (EIN).
7. Get a business bank account in PA.
Here are some more detailed explanations of the steps:
1. Choose a name for your LLC: The name you choose must be unique and not already taken by another business in Pennsylvania. You can check the availability of your desired name by searching the Pennsylvania Department of State's online database.
2. Choose a registered office (agent) in Pennsylvania: Your registered office is the official address of your LLC where legal documents will be sent.
3. Apply for your Pennsylvania business license: You can apply for your business license online through the Pennsylvania Department of State's website.
4. File your certificate of organization: You can file your certificate of organization online through the Pennsylvania Department of State's website.
5. Draft an operating agreement for your Pennsylvania LLC: An operating agreement is a legal document that outlines how your LLC will be run and managed.
6. Obtain an employer identification number (EIN): An EIN is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify your business for tax purposes.
7. Get a business bank account in PA: You will need to open a separate bank account for your LLC to keep your personal and business finances separate.