Here are some ways to get rid of a bad habit:
1. Quit cold turkey.
2. Change your habit loop.
3. Use small steps.
4. Track your progress to reinforce your determination.
5. Focus on your good habits.
6. Set realistic goals.
7. Know your reasons for wanting to break the habit.
8. Identify triggers.
9. Seek professional assistance.
10. Practice mindfulness exercises.
11. Make a note every time you do the bad habit to figure out what triggers it.
12. Avoid those triggers.
13. Replace the bad habit with a good one.
You can try these strategies to help you interrupt the cycle of negative behavior. Another approach is to build new habits and stop exposing yourself to cues that will strengthen negative patterns. You will find it easier to avoid temptation than to resist it.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.