Losing fat from the butt is a common fitness goal. However, it is not possible to spot-reduce fat in a specific area. Reducing overall weight in a gradual, safe manner is the best way to reduce fat on the butt. Running, squats, and other exercises can also help tone the butt . Here are some exercises that can help you lose butt fat:
1. Running
2. High-intensity interval training
3. Step-climbing
4. Squats
5. Lunges
6. Glute bridges
7. Leg lifts
It is important to note that combining your regular workouts with healthy eating habits can help you achieve your desired results . A healthy diet for butt fat loss includes creating a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories, opting for nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It is important to avoid foods with empty calories found in packaged and processed foods and instead choose freshly cooked homemade meals .
I hope this helps!