Here are some steps you can follow to take self-portraits:

1. Find a good location with good lighting.
2. Set up your camera or phone on a tripod or a stable surface.
3. Set the timer on your camera or phone.
4. Pose in front of the camera and take the picture.
5. Review the picture and adjust the settings if necessary.

Here are some resources that can help you learn more about taking self-portraits:
- [BBC Teach]( has a video tutorial on how to draw a lifelike self-portrait.
- [I Heart Crafty Things]( has a step-by-step guide on how to draw a self-portrait in just 6 steps.
- [Laura BC]( has a step-by-step behind-the-scenes video tutorial on how to take self-portrait photography.
- [Kimberly Crist Photography]( has an article on how to take self-portraits with a DSLR camera.
- [YouTube]( has a video tutorial on how to take better portraits for beginners.
