Here are some ways to tell if a guy likes you:

1. Watch his body language and behavior. See if he makes eye contact with you when you're around. Pay attention to whether he smiles around you. Watch whether he mirrors your behavior. Observe whether his body and feet are angled toward you. Ask yourself whether he seems nervous or awkward when you're around. Watch whether he finds excuses to touch you.

2. Notice how much attention he gives you. If he likes you, he'll be interested in what you have to say. He'll listen attentively when you speak and will remember what you said.

3. Look for signs of nervousness or fidgeting. If he likes you, he may get nervous around you and fidget with his hands or feet.

4. Pay attention to how often he initiates conversations with you. If he likes you, he'll want to talk to you often.

5. Notice if he tries to impress you or make you laugh. If a guy likes you, he'll want to make a good impression on you and will try to make you laugh.

6. Look for signs of jealousy or protectiveness. If a guy likes you, he may get jealous when other guys talk to you or try to protect you from harm.

7. Notice if he compliments you often or gives gifts for no reason. If a guy likes you, he'll want to make sure that you know how special he thinks you are.

I hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.